Monday, January 3, 2011

The Angelcare Sound and Movement Monitor Reviews

Looking for a deal on the Angelcare Sound and Movement Monitor? Look no further, I've done the work for you now allow me to share my results.

Click Here to get the best deal on your Angelcare Baby Movement and Sound Monitor!

What you can do at home to lessen the danger of SIDS:
  • Keep your baby's room well ventilated with a fan running to create moving air.
  • Keep the temperature at about 70 degrees. No higher.
  • Keep all blankets, stuffed animals and other loose objects out of the crib.
  • Encourage your baby to sleep on his or her back or side.
  • Keep the air moist with a humidifier.
  • Consider getting an organic mattress or "mattress wrapping" to prevent your baby from inhaling the toxic fumes from mattresses.
  • Don't overdress your baby or put him or her too close to a heat source.
  • Never, ever allow smoking around your child. Even if you smoke outside the chemicals are on your clothes and are being inhaled by your baby when you hold them.
  • Be extra diligent of the above mentioned things after vaccines are given that may elicit a fever. The extra body heat could make matters worse.
SIDS is a real fear for every parent. An overwhelming number of those parents are finding peace of mind with an Angelcare Sound and Movement Monitor.

Also known as BebeSounds Angelcare Movement Sensor and Sound Monitor

This monitor goes beyond the usual sounds and gives you the added protection of monitoring your child's breathing. So if something were to go wrong, you could respond immediately.

It allows several options such as seeing a flashing light or hearing a "ticking" noise to coincide with your baby's movements.

The sound quality as well as the sensitivity of the sound and the motion sensor is amazing.

There are many stories of false alarms but what's more important are the stories of alarms that were not false. The alarm went off and the panicked parent found that their baby really wasn't breathing. However, because they were able to respond so quickly their babies were able to be stimulated back into breathing. Thank god.

If you lose sleep over worrying about your baby breathing safely through the night then this is something you should do for you and your baby.

The evidence is overwhelming and "peace of mind" is the most often used phrase to describe the way parents feel about this monitor.

Through all my research the majority of parents said this monitor was worth the money and something that every parent should have.

Get your Angelcare Sound and Movement Monitor now at the best price online!

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Do yourself a favor and go NOW to sign up for AmazonMom and then order your Angelcare Baby Movement Monitor!